Flexicon Massage Therapy
A vacation from the stresses of everyday life

About the Practitioner

Linda Rose LMT, BA

Health Options Institute 

International School of Shiatsu

University of Pittsburgh, Business Economics

 Like many people I went to college having no idea of what I wanted to be when I grew up.  After college I kept ending up in sales  which was not the right career for me.  I saw an advertisement to learn massage therapy.   I took my first class. Ihad an aptitude  for it.  I continued from there.  

I Believe:

          - every client deserves my full attention through out his or her treatment.

          - it is a honor to work and interact with people in the manner in which I do.

          - the positive energy I put into the universe is returned to me over and over.  Likewise, negativity is also returned.

          - I learn something new every time I touch another human being.

          - helping others feel better make me feel better.

          - I have the potential to change everyone's life that I come in contact with as I believe they have the potential to change mine.  I think it should be in a positive way.

          - success happens through hard work, truly caring about my clients, and the luck that I make for myself.

          - we as people would be much better off if we quit trying to change others and work on changing ourselves.